So this is what I've come up with so far. I'm really pleased with it, I think it has a sense of professionalism and hints my style without being too...dark? I spent a long time trying to find an image which was a) landscape and fitted the dimensions and b) didn't have anything that was too colourful to take away from the site.
Overall I want the photos in my portfolio to stand out when you see them. Also, this is one of my personal favourites.
Guys! I need to re-design my website. I need to make sure I can show it to people in the industry and not worry about them being put off by how dark the layout is.
Ideas? Inspiration? Have you seen any websites (particually photography) that have caught your eye?
So when Aiko came over for some fun and frolicking in the sun, she brought over her Canon EOS 5D mark II for me to have a play with.I shot both of our mini shoots with it and I fell in love with it. The feel of the camera is wonderful, it feels better than the first 5D. My only criticism is that the menu is so complicated it feels like it just is for the sake of it. The mark I has a really simple system that I have become familiar with.The quality is undeniable. It is awesome. It picks up every little fine hair on a persons face, perfect for fine art portraiture.
The colours are wicked, and the contrast is just so beautiful. I know 99% is down to what ISO/apeture/shutter you use, but it just feels like it handels extreme sunlight better than the old one.
I would seriously consider trading in my old body for a new one, until I tried to access the RAW files on CS3....disaster. Because the Mark II was build just after they finished the programming for CS3, it means you have to purchase CS4 or an add on for your photoshop. Alternatively you can just convert it to a DNG (digital negative) and it will work just the same as a RAW file in PS.
I decided that I needed a blog for all things photography. Posts of new art, behind the scenes, inspirational photography & art and hopefully competitions and events in the future.
I will be updating soon with some new 2010 artwork!